(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Well Halloween passed by very quickly. And now im already hearing Christmas music and seeing trees in stores!! Its crazy how fast Christmas is coming up. Its starting to get extremely hot here but the rain storms seem to keep the tempurature down. The mosquitos have woken up and its starting to feel like SUMMER! (not chirstmas). But im realy excited! We are going to have a ``white Christmas´´ Baptism on the 8th of December I believe and Im really excited to baptise so many people. My companion and I are working really hard and we have a huge list of investigators and almost all of our investigators have a baptismal date. Cool huh??

Were working really hard each and every day. My companion and I have learned alot on how to be a good Zone Leader and we are taking it to the max. Our zone seems to make its goals every week which is really helping every single area. Basicaly at the end of the week if one area isnt getting good results or if they will fall short on their goal, we go visit their area and give them some help. Our zone is really united and we love working and being together.

The ward here is getting SUBSTANTIALLY BETTER. When I arrived here the spirit wasnt really strong in our meetings. The members were split into groups and there was a lot of gossip. We are starting to see a change! This week the testimony meeting was absolutely amazing. Everyone talked nice about someone else and the spirit was so strong. President Castro was able to visit too and it was nice to see him again. All the members talked good about us to the president. haha. Better yet, we were able to confirm Loeci as a member of the church and it was a special day.

My companion and I have been able to see so many miracles each and every day. It seems like God is just GIVING us people to teach and help. Obviously we are teaching people based on our obedience, work, faith, and diligence, but we feel really good doing all this.

On Haloween we had an interview with one of the members of the Area Presidency. he gave a great pep talk and I learned alot about my work and how Ican be a better person. Before the meeting some of the missionaries in our zone ate lunch together! It was a great day.

Well that sums up the week for us. Have a great day!!
Elder Horst

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