(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's almost Christmas!

Thats almost crazy for me to think about. I had no idea that christmas was next week! Time is just flying by so fast. I thought that 2014 would be so far away but its just right around the corner. I dont know if thats a good thing or bad. I guess I will find out as i go. Luckly im at the prime of my mission. It seems like Im doing a lot more with the time that I have. Were constantly running to appointments and stuff.

Its really hot outside but im getting along. The brazilians like to make fun of me for my red face but im used to it. They say, your not White... your not brown... your just red!! haha. I put on sunblock but it doesnt make much of a difference. Also, the bugs are full blown right now. I dont remember seeing as many last summer. My feet are covered in bites that I get all night. Haha they dont bother me too much. The only thing that keeps me awake is when they buzz around my ear. It sounds like a miny airplane and crepes me out!!! The fan helps get rid of that!

My new companion is Elder Miller from Texas. Dallas I think. He is really cool and I like him a lot. he is focused and obedient. He has 1 year and 3 months on the mission and its his first time being zone leader. I like to think that he has a good companion to help teach him;) The mission kinda got a blow in the stomache because alot of missionaries were caught not being obedient. They didnt do anything really bad but it affected the whole mission. Now its my job to recooperate the success that we were having in the zone. Ive created a new ´´game´´ to get the zone motivated. Basically I buy a prize for the group that completes their goals. Its kinda fun.

Back to christmas. Were talking alot about this for our investigators. its a good way to get into peoples houses. We share with them the movie joy to the world. we bring a portable dvd player and everything. Ive gotten really sick of watching it over and over and i fight to keep awake during it (especially in the heat after lunch!) haha but the people seem to be really blessed by it. People áre alot more open to our message around christmas.

Ill call you next week! I hope that you get lots of questions ready!!! I told someone that its my third time calling home in 1 year and 8 months. I just realized now that its a rediculously long time to not talk to my Family! haha. Thats okay though, its for a good cause! Plus im okay with not speaking too much english for now!!! Im trying to get in as much portuguese as possible.

Well Restinga is pretty awesome still. Im glad that im still here. Were still planing tons of baptisms for this transfer. our goal is 9. Well see how well it goes. Last week we got to a great start getting lots of new investigators and marking baptisms every single day!!! We had 8 people at church on sunday too!

I hope that everyone is great and has an awesome holliday season..., enjoy the snow for me:)
Elder Horst

Elder Henderson and Elder Horst are welcoming Elder Henderson's parents to Porto Alegre, at the airport.


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Discover the United States
like never before.
Looks like the Redwoods in California!

A Gremio soccer shirt I bought for Mom :)

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