(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, January 27, 2014

Good start to the best transfer ever!!!

Haha, well my companion and I are just completly pumped for this new transfer. We were really happy to know that we were staying together but we knew that we needed to change a few things. This week, we set some AWESOME goals and worked on trying to be better people. Were working more with members and recente converts and I can tell that there is a diferente spirit in the air. We are more happy, the house is more comforting at night, and the zone can feel the diference too and want to have the same feelings. Looks like were gonna have alot of success.

Tuesday was our first district meeting. We had a fun time together getting to know the new people in the zone. Were working really hard on a reverent unity between them so that they can rely on eachother and work harder. I really like some of the new missionaries that we have. On Wednesday, the assistentes needed our help to do a baptism interview. I was able to go to their área and work with Elder Lazarte, my companion from the CTM. It was fun... I dont like working in his área because its in the middle of the central of town. It was really annoying to have to chace people and talk to alot of people that didnt want time for us. I missed Restinga alot!! haha.

The baptsim interview was beautiful! The woman that got baptised was so ready to make a commitment with God and wouldnt let anything get in her way. She got married to a good Strong memeber too which is good. It makes me happy to see a complete Family enter into the Church of Christ. Her baptism was on Saturday and I heard it was lovely.

Elder Miller and I have been RUNNING around this área trying to get as much done as possible. We are trying to avoid the houses where we loose time and they never let us leave early. haha. let me tell you about this weather. I CANNOT handle this weather anymore! ITs just killing me. Im talking 110 degrees with 100 percent humidity. Its horrible. you walk into a house looking like you just came out of a swimming pool! It makes me kinda embarrased but everyone else is the same way :) Its also really hard to sleep. The fan blows hot air and a ´´cold´´ shower feels like the heater is on. Its THAT hot. Than Friday I think a storm came in. It was the best thing ever. We just opened all the Windows and turned on the fan. I almost got cold at night. It was the best sleep ive had in weeks! It looks like this week it will go back to hot but it was a good break :)

So next week I will talk about our investigators that we have and their stories and how they are preparing for baptism. We sure have alot on our hands. I just hope that I can do my job as a servent of the Lord and do his vontage. I am so thankful for everything he is doing. I can easily see his hand in my work and that just gives me more desire to work harder and be better. I hope and pray that he blesses you and waches over you as you show your Faith in him.

Love ya!
Elder Horst

I received this message from Michele Soarres on Facebook, about Elder Horst (it's translated from Portuguese)

Oi Sister Cynthia, I am the friend of your son and am writing to say how marvelous of a work that your son is doing in the South. You have a marvelous son and nobody has ever passed here that pays as much attention as he does to the work. He really has the purê love of christ and I am greatful taht he is still here with us. We want him to stay til april because I want him to be at my sealing. We also take care of him good becase he is gone from home for 2 years and its a big sacrifice but we are here to help. Thanks. Kiss.

Yes, yes, i love this kid and its amazing how much he loves children. I do visits with him once a month and he is Always playing with them. he has a gift to talk about the gospel that i have never seen before he isnt lazy. He remembers the music that you guys Always sang together (Lucky-Jason Mraz). Its cute and almost made me cry. My house is like a refuge for the missionaries.

The letters on his name tag had worn off, so he was able to get 2 new ones.

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