(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, January 13, 2014

3 Weeks of Baptisms!

Well we were able to pull it off! Elder Miller and I were able to accomplish our goal of baptising three weeks in a row. We also had a goal to baptise 9. We didnt get that accomplished but we baptised 5 which was higher than the standard of the transfer. Unfortunitally we dont have a baptism for this week, but we will work hard to have another one soon!

This week was not too crazy. My companion and I gave the training for the zone. We talked a little about the work than got to talk and study about how to be truly converted to the Lord. It was an excelent discussion. I was able to learn alot of the Principles of Conversion and realized its alot harder to achive than people think. True conversion leads to Exaltation and thats no easy thing to get. Its actually fairly simple to recieve a testimony but a testimony and salvation wont get you very long. So I now know that to be fully converted I have to keep all the commandments so that I dont even have a desire to do bad! Im getting there...

My companion and I worked really hard trying to find new people to teach. We didnt have any investigators at church ( first time in months) which wasnt that good but its nothing that we cant improve. We are going to work even harder with Less active families and try to find some that we can teach and baptise.

This is the last week of the transfer. I have no idea if I will get transfered or not but it doesnt really matter either way. Im just happy to be here working! I was happy to recieve my package this week. It came really late, but better late than never! I think ive already eaten the majority of the candy inside haha.

Today for P-Day Elder Ritz, Marshal, Beary, MAchado, miller and I played football. It was really fun to play. It rained a bit and we got really dirty but we didnt mind. It was fun to just relax and play the best sport ever! haha. After that we went to McDonalds and just feasted. Its way more expensive here but we decided to spurge ahah!

Well Thanks for all your love and support. I hope everyone is doing great and being happy. Ill be sure to send photos next week!
Elder Horst
time to get a haircut....

The Stake President at Adriana's baptism. Elder Horst and Elder Miller attended her marriage ceremony last Monday.

Elder Miller, Adriana and Elder Horst :)

Adriana and President and Sister Castro :)

Football on P Day.

McDonald's, Brazilian style!

My Christmas parcel arrived :)

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