(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ola! tudo bom?

Ola! tudo bom?
Things have been going great here in Brazil! We have been working really hard and are starting to see progress! We work in a really small area of the city and its hard to see new people when we walk down the same streets but we know their out there! Friday we clapped a house. A lady with her two sons let us in. They said that missionaires came to their house but never returned! She talked about some major problems in her life including how her father died a few months ago and she has been having a hard time. She smokes a pack and a half of cigarettes each day and she smoked 5 by the time we left the house. We were able to teach her the plan of salvation. We asked her to pray about it. It was a good lesson, but we didnt think she took it very well. Her two 12 year old sons love us becuase we talk about soccer and america with them! Before we left we asked for another appointment and she asked us to return the next day! That made us happy!

Saturday we go to her house to teach her about the restoration. She had food and shimarro prepared for us! It was really nice! We started teaching and right from the bat she questioned everything we would say! It was really kinda awkward! Than we talked about Joseph Smith and things really started to come together! That night we commited her to read the book of mormon, orar, and come to church. We also set a baptismal date. She said she would read the book of mormon from page one! On sunday she was at church and said she liked it. She is progressing really fast! Its going to be hard to get her to stop smoking and gain more faith. But i am excited for good things to come. We have other really good investigators that really like the church.
As for me things are going well! I am really settling in. Here are a few interesting things about Pelota! I have heard its the third most humid city in the world? I dont know if thats true but I wouldnt be surprised! Second, in my area. there are dogs everywhere you look! Some are nice, some are dirty, some always bark, and some just like to follow us, but their everywhere! Also, there are tons of horses everywhere! Every now and than I will just see a random horse trotting down the street or eating the grass and I will just wonder... Wheres the owner for that horse?? The Fatima ward is really great. We have strong leaders and members. We are blessed with lunch every day! Most of the time we eat beans and rice. Its very uncommon to eat anything else here!
The language is good... lets just say its coming! Its no fun not being able to understand people! I wish I could just talk to them, but its not that easy! I am able to participate in lessons and messages more which is really nice. Each day I learn new words and understand more people. I give all the credit to the Holy Spirit. who will help you with anything as long as you do your part!
Thats all I have to say for this week! I hope everyone is doing well and being safe! Happy fourth of July!

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