(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, March 25, 2013

Interviews with the President!

Well this week was good and bad. Lets start with the good.

On thursday, The mission president came to have interviews with us. It was a really crazy day because we had to do alot of things in such little time. We started the day after lunch. I was able to give a training to my District and I really thought it went well. I enjoy the opportunity to give these trainings each week because when I plan for them I learn so much about things I need to do better and things that would help the work! The assistents to the president were there so It was a little different but it went well! I was the very last one to be interviewed in the zone so I had to stay there from 2 til 6:30. It was really boring, but missionaries know how to have fun in boring situations.

The interview with the president went really well. We had a great talk and I really felt the spirit with him. He always knows exactly what to say to help me!  After the interview I had the great pleasure to have the mission president as a companion! We went on splits and worked together for the rest of the night. We went to teach a lesson at a nonmember/less active family and it went really well. The president knew exactly how to answer the questions and invite the spirit.

When the night ended we passed by the bishops house to say hi. They surprised us with a huge dinner! It was really funny because you could tell that the president really didnt want to eat but the bishop kept throwing food on his plate to make him stay longer. I had a great time and the food was excelent! We ended up coming home at 10:30. I made the joke ``Hey companion, do you think we should ask Sister Castro (his wife) for permission to stay out past 9:30??´´ haha.. 

So the week started to get worse on Saturday. After lunch we prepared for a  Stake activity and baptism of some other missionarys. We were at the church the whole day and I had the biggest headache! It lasted the whole day and it was painfull! My head was throbbing and I was dizzy. I finally got home at 9 and thought things would get better. It didnt! Long story short I ended up throwing up... a few times. It was a horrible night to say the least.

Sunday I woke up a little better, but I had no energy. I was able to make it through the day. Our little sacrament we had was nice as usual. Now we have sunday school at 3 and sacrament meeting at 4. It was 3:10 and the bishopric wasnt there so I decided to start the meeting alone! My companion was in charge of the primary and I was able to teach the lesson. The Bishopric walked in halfway through and they were pretty impressed that we took the initiative. Im just really glad that they showed up because I dont know the rules about holding a sacrament meeting without a member of the bishopric.....

Tuesday we had a family night in our area. Tons of people showed up and it was a great hit! One of the members owns a ``snack stand´´ that sells hotdogs and hambergurs so he made us all hotdogs. Its was a really good night and a few people went to church because of the sucess.

So I have one more announcement to make. For the last few months I have been feeling some knee pain. The president made me schedual an exam so I will be going to the doctor this Wednesday. Im sure its nothing to worry about but I need an exam so they can fix the problem without it getting worse.

Thats all for this week,
Elder Horst

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