(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Good Week

Well this week was good but honestly there was not that much to talk about. On Saturday, we had a Stake Fireside about the mission work. It seemed to go really well. The missionarys sang a few hymns. Our President spake along with a few others. I just wanted to share with you a little of what was talked about and my thoughts.
When the First Presdiency had the Work of Salvation Meeting last month, they shared with us the vision of missionary work in the Church of Jesus Christ. The role of the member is to FIND, TEACH, and CONVERT all of their friends and neighbors. The role of the missionary is to ASSIST the members in their work. Unfortunitally, this is a fact that most members (including me before I served) dont understand. I hope that through my message today, the readers can feel more of a responcibility to serve.
The members need to FIND. This is the first thing that member missionaries need to do. We need to talk to people in the road, Market, school, work, or any place where we find people. When we do this we are able to find out who would like a message and who wouldnt. When you give a good REFERENCE to the missionaries, they can assist you in teaching and converting your friend.
Another way to find investigators is to visit Less-Active or IN-Active families in the Ward. Pass by there and make friendships. Usually what you will find is that most people just need a friend and invitation to come back to church. Also, alot of families that are less or inactive have Family members or friends that are not members of the church. You can use less actives to find investigators to teach.

The second role of the member missionary is to TEACH. Teaching has two parts. The first is teaching before baptism. This is a responcibility of the missionary, to teach and help the investigator understand what is being taught. The role of the member is to be there as a friend. To help the investigator with questions about the church. Also help the investigator keep commitments  by giving them a ride to church and talking with them often.
After the investigator becomes a member of the church, he needs to be taught all of the lessons again. The second part of the teaching is the responcibilty of the member. This teaching should be done by a friend, the Ward mission leader, or the Home Teachers.
Lastly, The third role of a member in the work of salvation is to CONVERT the new member, not just baptise. Last night I heard a disturbing fact about the church that broke my heart. In Brazil in 2012, more than 33,000 people were baptised and confirmed members of the church. Thats wonderful!!! Unfortunitally, in 2012, the number of people that frequented church only went up by less than 3,000. What happened to the other 30,000? Its sad to see that the missionaries are working so hard to baptise and help others but nobody is helping the members to be converted. The third role of the member is esential to the growth of the church. You can help a new member stay converted by Home and Visiting Teaching. A friendly phone call to ask why they wernt at church. Things that show your love.
Anyways, these words are some of the things that I have learned about the importance of member missioary work. We all need to do our part to recieve the blessings of The Work of Salvation.
Elder Horst

Zone Conference Meeting "The Armor of God".

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