(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, September 30, 2013


Well this week was realy awesome! Elder Del Pino and I have worked way hard to have sucess here and the sucess is coming at us really fast. We were able to have a few baptisms and we confirmed one more for the 12th. I am really happy with the work and I love working with my companion Elder Del Pino.

This week was kinda crazy because we spent a few days in other areas trying to help the other companionships in the zone. Our goal for the month of October is to have 14 baptisms and for that to happen we all need to work really hard together. our zone has 5 companionships of Elders and 2 of Sisters. The sisters work really hard in our zone and they kinda put their district leader to shame because the sisters outwork him haha.

This week alot of miracles happened. My companion and I were really diligent in our work and it really paid of. We were able to find alot of less active families that need to be baptised and also we were able to meet some new families to teach.

On Sunday we were able to baptise Rosilanie and her daughter. They are really special people and I am really happy that they chose to get baptised. Now we are working on baptising Rosis mother. She really likes the lessons that we are teaching. We have an investigator named Adriana. Adriana has been investigating the church ever since January and finally she is ready for baptism. She was having a few problems with the Law of Chastity and she wasnt reading the book of mormon or going to church but now she is doing great! She has a huge desire to be baptised and we marked the baptism for the 12th.

I am really exicted to watch confrence this year. With all the changes that have been hapening in the church as of late, im sure the prophet and apostles will have something new to say to us. Its such a blessing that we have a prophet who recieves revelation for us and who can lead and guide us. i hope that Everyone pays close atention to the message that he gives.

Today I passed by the mission home and was able to talk to our new assistent Elder Cox. He shared some important information with me that the family I was teaching in Bage was baptised on Saturday! What a marvelous blessing! Ricardo and Carla. I remember being inspired to talk to Carla one day while walking past her house. i said hi to her and continued walking. I felt the spirit so strongly that I needed to go back and I did. We marked another visit. I was able to help teach her and her family and I remember the first time that she went to church. This is such a special family for me.
Also I heard that Marcia is doing great. I was able to baptise her when i was in Bage. She has just finished reading the Book of Mormon, D&C, and Perl of Great Price. How cool is that?? Im sure that marcia will be a missionary when she gets a little older. Its nice to know that I made a difference in the lives of a few people.

This next month seems like it will pass by so quickly. We have tons of meetings schedualed including zone confrence, temple trip, leadership meeting, general confrence, baptims (obviously) and much much more!! Every day we have 2-3 really important meetings and we seem to be running from house to house all the time. Things are great here!

Love ya!

Elder Horst

Rosi, Milena and the Bishop

Elder Horst, Rosi, Milena and Elder Del Pino

This is me studying, but every time I hear a noise, I'm at the window to see what's going on, LOL!

District Friend Day (where we work in other areas in our district)
Elder Triffit, Elder Horst, Elder Berry and Elder Oliveira
We met together to take a break from knocking on doors.

Elder Triffit, Elder Hyitt, Elder Horst and Elder Del Pino

Preach My Gospel, pretty cool, huh?

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