(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

First email from our missionary !!!

Hey all!
It was only a week ago when I turned to give one last wave to my parents before departing on a new adventure. It seems like it was weeks ago! The flight from Sac. To Georgia was so unpleasant! I met up with four elders from provo. We were together for a while. One came up to me after going to the bathroom and said, Elder I dont want to scare you, but 10 more Elders are coming. I asked why that would be scary and he said... they're from Utah! All together there were like 16 Elders and 2 sisters. My district has 8 Elders and 7 are going to Porto Alegre Sul!
By the end of day two I could pray and bear my testimony in portuguese. By sunday I will be able to do it without having to read anything! I have two `investigators`` that I teach (they are my instructors). I have had three appointments and we did the whole thing in portuguese! It sure has been an amazing experience and a testimony builder.
My companion is E. Lazarte from Nebraska. He is a great E. to have, we get along great! We have two Brazilian missionaries in our room so every night we talk with them and learn new words. We also try to eat lunch and dinner with them. That brings up a good subject. The food is so amazing!! I have eaten every meal except one... but even said the brazilians it was bad! Each time I eat I try a new fruit or something and tudu bem (its all good). They have unlimited guanana (kinda like Canada Dry but so much better). Each night before lights out we have a snack. usually some kind of cake and unlimited chocolate milk!!! I splurge... We are on the 5th floor (6th in america) and we have the best view from our window in the CTM. I am blessed.
Today was the best... P-Day. First we went to the temple which was a great experience. It was hard not to doze off when it got dark... Then I bought a portuguese hymn book from the distribution center. The songs here are so fun to sing. After we had a bit of freedom and went out to town! Our district invited our two instructors (one teaches all afternoon and one teaches all night) to lunch and we went to this amazing place! They had unlimited meats of all kinds! I had amazing drumsticks, pieces of steak, and best of all, chicken hearts. I ate probably 5 of those. mmmm.
I love brazil I love the work. I cant wait to teach people that need the gospel.
Elder Horst

p.s.  I dont know how to use the question mark.. it only works sometimes. the keyboard is mostly the same but all the punctuation is different. I can't upload pictures at the CTM. I haven't had a bad day yet. Love you guys soo much!
BTW elder Staples from South Jordan is in my district and will serve with me! Cool huh. We had a devotional last night and the announcer spoke in portuguese. we couldn't understand anything but all of a sudden we heard the name Bednar!! We got so excited, the crowd whispered... than all of a sudden the projector came on and we watched a video of him. Oh well, it was still fun! Today we were able to take off our geek dots. I dont feel so new anymore! I was so excited to see E. Ray today. Everyone will have to keep me informed on when he will transfer to the CTM. Everyone says Provo is just as great.

Editor's (Mom) notes:  
Sean didn't use any apostrophes, because the keyboard is different i think.  E. Ray is Elder Ray, Sean's friend from Rocklin.  He left for his mission a week after Sean (yesterday or today).  He will be serving in the Sao Paulo North mission.  His visa hasn't arrived yet so he went to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo.  Elder Ray and Elder Horst both submitted their mission papers on the same day and received their calls on the same day.  
Elder Horst said he only had 30 minutes to be on the computer and that included reading our email.  He can't print them to read later.  He didn't have a bunch of time to email today.  It sure is great to hear from him and how happy he is :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear he is having such a great time! But...chicken hearts??? ewww!


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