(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's been a month!

Hard to believe right? A whole month has passed. The days feel like years and the weeks feel like days here. Its a very odd delema, but my district and I are making the best of it. It just seems like we are progressing so much. Each day I learn so many more words and so many more things stick in my memory. I am so greatful to be here at the CTM in Brazil. I cant imagine how hard it would be to just be thrown out in the field without any training at all!! My companion and I have been praying all week, and we made a goal that we would hand out a Book of Mormon today. Oh, I am so nervous! I dont know much of the language! I do know, that the Lord is on my side, and with him, all things are possible! We will do this within the next few hours, with us luck!!   So here are a few more things about Brazil and the CTM life. I learn new things each day! First of all, have I talked about the Drivers? They are so crazy here! There are no rules, cars fly down the street, there are motorcyles passing you every way possible. Last week we were on this big bus going to the temple. The bus was trying to turn onto a 5 lane street but it was way too crowded. Suddenly, he just started driving and hoped for the best! He took up about three lanes of the road and made a lot of cars slam on their brakes in the middle of the road. This stuff happens all the time!   Some people have asked more about the food. Its been good. For the most part I eat the main dish which is usually meat or chicken. Than I eat a roll and try some beans and rice. Of course, I drink guarnana too. There are a few exceptions. Theres a meal called Feijoda. The dish is mainly black bean soup with meat. The part that makes it grose is the meat is just leftovers that the bucher doesnt use! So while your eating the soup, you have to chew on a bone of some random meat! Most of us dont eat it... My favorite food is so good! Its kind of like a flat meat that is breaded and fried. Most people top it off with rice and beans but I eat it seperate. I just found a big surprise about it though! Rumers are that my favorite food is really made of cows tongue! haha....   We do a lot of things here at the CTM to have fun. They most are very simple and harmless. A year ago, I learned from a good friend how to go /star gazing/. In this game, you look up at a star and spin around really fast. Than, when they start to get dizzy, you shine a bright flash light in their eyes and they just instantly fall to the ground!! Its so fun and obviously there are people there to catch him for safety. Any ways we taught a few guys that and now it has spread and everyone plays it in their room at night! I feel honored to bring the game here to Brazil.   Also, on Sunday, a lot of people were packing to go out to their mission. Someone thought up a brilliant idea and secretly told everyone in the building. At 9.45, just before quiet time, all the missionaries went into the loud echoy starecase and sung God be With you Til we Meet Again in portuguese! It was so cool because you could here us throughout the whole campus. There were missionaries going all the way up 6 flights of steps. After, we all sung called to serve. These type experiences are how missionaries have fun at the CTM. They basically are the only things that keep us from going crazy!   Today I went to the temple and decided to do baptisms. What an experience! I witnessed than was able to confirm. We said the prayers in portugese which really broght the spirit. Heres something funny. When I did baptisms in Sacramento, the names were way too hard to read and understand. When I did baptisms here in Brazil they were supper easy!!! Names like John Smith. How is that possible??   Lastly I wanted to talk about my nephew Bridger! His has a big day today and I wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday!! He turns 7 and is getting so old. Like... really old!! Have a good Birthday Bridger!   I hope everyone is doing well and staying close to Christ. I love you all   Elder Horst

1 comment:

  1. Crazy it' a month already! Bet you are so proud of him!


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