(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week 7!

Hello everyone! Another week has gone by and there is so much to talk about. First of all I would like to announce that Brazil and USA played soccer last week and Brazil won 1-0... no surprise there!! Go Brazil! I love talking to the Brazilians about futeball. Some get so excited and some seem like they are annoyed by how much they hear that question. My new team is Gremio! Apparently theyre not doing so well... But their from Porto Alegre and theyre colors are light blue and black which is cool. Our rivals are International or Inter... also from Porto Alegre!
Thursday I was playing basketball and I fell really bad on my ankle. I had to stop playing and went to the doctor! It was not a big deal but I wanted to make sure that I wouldnt get hurt worse and not be able to go trackting!! He gave me a little brace and I was off! The best part is, I got to use the elevator for two days!! Now im fine. I am walking and running. I just need to take it a bit easier next time!!
We had TRC this last saturday and it didnt go so well! We were blessed with having members as our investigators! My companion and I were really excited. Well we were assigned to three teenage boys and they were so annoying! They were not reverent and did not take anything seriously! It was a good lesson on how easily the spirit can leave the meeting. We did a good job teaching though and we had a lot of fun.
Ready for a cool story? You wont believe it. Last wednesday my companion and I decided to go to a park for P-day. We had the intention to find someone to talk to! We go and walk around for a while and talk about how cool it would be to teach! Finally we look and find a man sitting down reading a book! We thought it would be a perfect opportunity! All of a sudden we got really nervous and we looked at eachother and said "what do we say to him??" We said a prayer and practiced what we would talk about than finally went for it! Half way to the man we got nervous and turned around again. We talked for a minute and I said "this is rediculous!!" and went up to him! "Ola, tudu bem?" I asked how he was and he looked up and said he was fine! We introuduced ourselves as missionaries than had no idea what to say! I said, "do you like books?" Haha it was so strange. When we asked what book he was reading he showed us and it was in English!!! He said he knew english and we were able to talk to him with ease! Doesnt that sound like the Best Two Years?? We went through the restoration and asked if he wanted a Livro de Mormon and he declined. A thought came to my head and I said, "I know your learning english. If I bring an English Book of Mormon next week would you want to read it together with us?" He started to get a little more excited! He said, if you teach me more english than i will have to teach you more portuguese! We got so excited! Long story short in another hour we are going back to talk to him. We will get to know him, talk about the differences in countrys, than share a little message! I am so excited. Unfortunitally, its raining really hard out and I cant imagine someone going to the park to read a book today.... He might not be there but we have high hopes! I got to go to the temple today to do initiatories. it was my first time and was a great experience.
Elder Ray has finally arrived in Brazil! Each week I asked the new people if they knew an E. Ray. They said yes and I spent the next fifteen minutes searching the CTM for him. It was really nice to talk to him and catch up. It was also funny to say that we now belong in the same ward! He is a great missionary.
The start of week 7 is really cool. It means many things. First of all, we have technically had our first transfer day! Secondly, we finished our first planner and moved on two our second! This one is printed in Portuguese and I made a goal to only write portuguese in it! Im really excited and so far its going great! Last night we were supposed to have a talk from an area Authority but he couldnt make it. Instead we watched an amazing video of Elder Holland in the Provo MTC. We usually dont like videos from the provo mtc because we are really jealous and want apostles to come to Brazil! But thats ok. He gave the most inspirational, powerful talk I have ever heard I loved it!
I wish I could talk about my lesson with Igor but I dont have any time to write. Ill write it in a letter home and maybe mom will post in on the blog.
I hope everyone is having a fantastic week as am I. Just remember, when you think its getting way too hot this summer, think of me in Brazils amazing cool winter weather!
Elder Horst.

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