(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, September 3, 2012

Rise and Shout!

Hey everyone! Its football season! The whole town is buzzing with excitement here.... jk. Nobody even knows what football is here! That doesnt mean I didnt celebrate. On thursday I wore my BYU shirt under my white shirt and tie! Obviously, I wore a sweater over it and nobody saw but I needed to show my support! It was a fun day. I told everyone that football season was starting and I was so excited. every single time this happened, they just smiled and started talking about soccer:) I would crack up! Congratulations on the win BYU.

Its been another week in my new area and things are just great! We are in a small branch with about 40 active members. They are all so cool! We have a great relationship with the members which is always a huge help for us. My portuguese has been improving dramatically with my new companion. He has done a lot to help me. On the other end, I convinced him to follow his dream of learning english and going to BYU! I told him we would do it together. I am excited for him.

I want to tell you about one of our investigators here. Before I was transferred to this area, my companion was at a members house. They had a friend over who was very sick. She had been sick for the past 2 weeks and had barely eaten in a few days. My companion gave her a blessing. Within two days she changed dramatically and felt so much better. Because of this miracle, she wanted to take the lessons and hopefully in a few weeks she will be baptized. What a great story! It shows that the Lord prepares everyone in their own way. This investigator was an answer to our prayers!

I dont have too much time to write this week but I will write more later! Thanks for everything.
 I love you all.

Elder Horst

Elder Horst got the parcel I sent, looks like he is excited!

I made him another pillowcase :)

Preach my Gospel in Portuguese.

I think this might be Porto Alegre.

I think this is Sao Tome.

Pretty money!!!


  1. Sounds like Sean was a BYU superhero, wearing his BYU shirt under his suit. Like superman.

  2. Love this! Sounds like he is doing great and is very happy!


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