(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's Starting to Cool Down! Wahoo!

Well lets start with some good news! Its starting to get ´cool´ at night. Its still hot in the day, and not even close to cold in the night, but its starting to get a bit cooler at night which really helps me sleep:) Im sure its starting to get a bit hotter in the states to so thats nice.. but be blessed for a bit of cold weather!

Lets start this letter with a trip to the Hospital. On Wednesday we went to the doctor for my companions kidney stones. He got one of those baby exams and they found stones in each of his kidneys. Than they did some tests cause they want to know why he gets so sick when he is so young?? Unfortunitally he didnt get fixed. But he feels good and he wants to go out and get some work done this week! Its the last week of the transfer so im excited to work too.

We had another meeting with the whole zone on Saturday with the President. It was so uplifting, motivating, and fun to hear and be trained from our President. He is such a spectacular person. Let me share a few more things about him. He used to be a high class Lawyer before the mission. He has 3 cool kids. The kids know me as Santa Clause, (Because of my stunt on Christmas), but I was surprised to know that they also know my name without looking at my name tag. Our president is 42 years old. The youngest president in the world right now! What a man...

Back to the meeting we had. It was awesome! The president is really preparing us to split the zone next week and prepare for another stake sometime in the future. He is giving our zone special treatment too! He was inspired to introduce a new program that we will use to have a better relationship with the ward and work harder on less active members. Its a genius idea and I am so excited to get working on it. I wont give all the details but its so good that Ill probably use it for the rest of my mission. I am so thankful for a mission president who receives revelation to make our mission better each and every transfer.

Our investigators are doing just fine. Because of my companions sickness, we dont spend too much time finding new people, but thats ok because between the investigators and less actives that we visit, it takes up all our time! I am really happy with where I am on the mission and happy that I can serve the Lord in Rio de Grande Sul, Brazil, (or as we called it in the CTM, The land down under!)

Transfer day is next week and the rumor is that I will be transferred after 6 short months! I am excited to go to another area, meet new people, have new experiences, and more success too!

Heres a question. Using sunblock is important. If I dont use it my face gets red and more prone to cancer. If I use it, my nice white shirts will get yucky yellow stains on it.. What do I do?

I would like to congratulate the chickens who live behind my house for having babies. They are very loud....

All is well here! Especially because our internet house just upgraded to air conditioning!!  I hope its all good there too!

Love, Elder Horst

Apple sauce cake. It didnt work out too well because I cant find apple sauce at the store. I dont think they have it! So I added water...

And I didnt have an egg but I really wanted to make it. So I added water, oil, and baking powder! It was good, but I didnt like it because it wasnt like yours (Mom). My companion liked it though!

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