(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, February 25, 2013

Transfer Day!

Well its almost 10:30 and I was supposed to know about transfers a half hour ago! Im sure it will be a good one. Either way, ill let you know at the end of this email, or you will just have to wait til next week:) This week was SO much fun with the members. Ill share a few things that went on.

Last Monday, we had a family night at a members house. The son of the family invited over one of his friends which was really cool. We started the night with the spiritual message. I always try to make messages at Family night a little more special and important than the regular ones at lunch each day. I talked about repentance then we watched the 20 minute video about the last week of the life of Jesus Christ (The Lamb of God). Than I shared with them how through the atonement of Christ, we have the opportunity to repent and be saved! It was a really sweet and spiritual message.

The family that we had pizza night with. Theyre really sad that im leaving.
 (The daughter is 16 and kinda flirty. Thats why she is so dang close to me in the photo) Uncomfortable!!!

The next part of the family night was the food. Well after six months here in São Tomé the members have really gotten to know me and know my favorite foods (Pizza and Ice Cream) for the family night they made homemade pizza that was so good! They used to have a restaurant so it was just like the kind you would buy. They had all kinds of toppings (that were so good!) and the pizzas just kept coming. By the end of the night, the 7 of us ate 12 pizzas!!! Hahaha. They kept telling me that Americans love pizza and I have to eat more than everyone else.... so I did! It was almost a fantasy for me ;)

Just like most of the last weeks in the transfer, it passed VERY quickly. I dont even recall how the whole week went because it went so fast that I dont remember it all. I can assure you it was a great and spiritual week for working.

My best best friend Luisa. She is so adorable. I will miss her so much!

Saturday I planned an activity for a English Class. Its always been my dream to hold an English class and there were many people that asked for it here so I thought I would get started. It was really fun! Not many people were there because it was a holiday, but I think that it was definitely a success. I really like teaching English. It helps me with both my languages and I love helping others learn English because they help me every day with Portuguese. I made a little worksheet with homework for them to do. By the end of the class they were able to say phrases, (I like dogs.) negative phrases, ( I dont like dogs) and questions ( Do you like dogs?) By the end of the day they were being able to conversate with each other using these three types of questions. It was really fun and I want to continue to do it for the rest of the mission. Doing a English class is also a hotspot to get references. Everyone wants to learn English for free!!!!

My English class.
 Khayke is the one in the red soccer shirt. I taught him to prepare him for baptism.
 He is the brother to Luisa. He really likes me too and sits by me at church.

Saturday night we went to my dear friends Robson & Grazi and their family. They were celebrating Robson and Grazieles birthdays. It was so fun to see them and their whole family because im pretty sure im leaving the area tomorrow! We had charrasco for dinner and some really tasty cake! and of course... Coke-Cola!

Caroline, Pracila, Grazi, me, Durby, Luisa, Brenda, Julia, and Khayke.
 My favorite family! I will miss them so much!
 Whenever I arrive at their house all the kids scream ELDER HORST! and run to see me.

Chorrasco! Its makes meat so much more yummy!

Yesterday was a very beautiful Sunday. I loved all the talks and lessons that we had. I was able to bless the sacrament which is a huge blessing for me. When I looked into the crowd I noticed that I loved every single person there. I knew the names of every single person down to the new born baby and the less-active that we havent seen in a few months. It feels that im not just a missionary, but a member of the Branch family. I love being here. Its so funny how you can have such a love for people after only a short time SERVING them. I have a testimony through personal witness that when we serve our brothers and sisters, we will create a love for them that is unlike any other love that you have felt in your life. Its a love that will never fade.

A member in the branch who cried with she heard I was (probably) leaving.

The Branch President and his family.
 ( Were having a pizza night at their house tonight:) 
Theyve grown to love me too!!

Well... im about to wrap up this email and my district leader still hasnt called (We have a huge zone so im sure it takes a while to get all the information passed down). Im pretty sure im getting transferred. I HOPE Im getting transferred because my bags are already packed haha. So that would really stink if I did all that work for nothing. hahaha. (BTW I am an expert packer! Literally one of the best. I received so many presents, books, and random things over the last six months I wasnt sure if I had room for everything. I was able to get it all in without having to leave anything behind. Cachow!! And I did it all in an hour and a half!

Well thanks for all your love and support,
Elder Horst


Okay, first of all im getting transferred to Bage. I remember when I first opened my calling I really wanted to go there... its kinda like the worst area haha because its the farthest away so its hard to get supplies and letters and stuff.

Bigger news. I will open a brand new area which is hard to do but I am really excited.

Biggest news. I am training a greenie!!!!! I will find out tomorrow who my new companion will be, but he will be fresh.. American or Brazilian? I dont know.. but im so super excited.


Elder Horst

The last District Meeting of the transfer E. Horst, E Jenson, E Lima, E Xavier, E Andrade, and I dont know the other ones name because he is on a mini mission for just a few weeks.

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