(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Well, Its hard to believe but its finally arrived.. Christmas eve!! How exciting is that? Christmas here in Brazil is completely different. After P-Day today, we will go to a big party that some members are having and our present is that we get to stay outside until 11 at night! Wahoo! Of course, tomorrow is set aside for calling my parents. Im so excited for the opportunity and cant wait.

This past week was really busy. On Monday, we had a conference with Elder Godoy... An Elder of the 70 and area presidency. We had a full day of training with him and it was soo good! One of the best trainings that I have had on the mission. He promised us that if we use the Book of Mormon more in our teaching, our investigators will become converts, not just members. Also, he said that if we work more with less active members in our area, our baptisms will double! How cool of a promise is that??

Wednesday, we had our zone conference. IT was held at the local military base. Again, it was a spiritual experience filled with ltos of fun as well. The morning part of the conference was a training. The president and his wife spoke. SIster Castro presented a little family home evening lesson. The president spoke about the differences between a war and the spiritual war that we are fighting. It was such a cool talk. Than we had a guest speaker. He was one of the top leaders at the military base, a convert to the church. He shared his conversion story and a few scriptures. He said that the only difference between us and his soldures was that his people serve their country but us missionaries serve the Lord. After the training we had a really good lunch.. so good that we ran out of food haha. Than we had presentations of each zone. Some were funny, some were cool, some were spiritual, but they all were really good! I surprised the mission by dressing up like Santa Clause. I sat in the back and got dressed. One by one, all the missisonaries started to notice. Than the president announced that Santa Clause arrived and made me stand up to say hi haha. It was great.

This is Elder Horst with all the stockings that Sister Castro and her helpers made for the missionaries.

This is Elder Horst and his companion Elder Xavier.

This is Elder Horst with his mission president, President Castro.  Sister Castro and her 15 year old daughter are in the background.

Well more exciting news, this Saturday we are planning on having another baptism! 9 year old Inita. She is a really special girl. Her parents died when she was one year old and she has been living with her grandmother her whole life. Some of her family is baptised and she is ready for the blessings as well:) Im so excited to have a white Christmas... cause its so super hot over here.

Merry Christmas everyone! Please remember the real meaning of Christmas and why its important. Remember that the biggest gift we have ever received with the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Love you all,
Elder Horst

Where in the zone is Elder Horst?
A:  in the front row, on the extreme left

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