(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, December 3, 2012

First Week in December!

Well well, this week has flown by so fast! Just when the mission was finally starting to slow down, Christmas decided to come around and speed it back up again! Ill break the week down to a few highlights, Lots of  food, over 200 bucks in medicine for my companion (after a 1000+ buck exam) and soccer. Now ill explain:)

I dont know what made this week different, but the food was really good:) I found myself dreaming about rice and beans... Oh! Speaking of dreams, I speak Port-Englais! That means I speak half English and half Portuguese when im dreaming. One night this week I dreamed that I was at a family get together. I was talking to my mom and all of a sudden got really mad! I  said to my mom, ``why are you speaking Portuguese??`` My whole family was speaking Portuguese and apparently that made me really mad.. haha.  But anyways, if you want some good food, come to Brazil.

On Wednesday, we went back to Porto Alegre to get my letters.... i mean to pick up medicine for my companion, Elder Kargel. He lost most of the cartilage in his left knee, and its painful. We cant walk long before we have to stop at a members house.. which makes it really hard to find new people. Anyways, he has to take medicine until April, when he ends the mission. It was really expensive medicine but luckily he got some help from the church.

This Sunday was the classic GRENAL. Dont know what that is? GREMIO vs. INTERNATIONAL soccer game! They are huge rivals and their stadiums are only 20 minutes away.The blue and red game.. Why is that important to a missionary? It shouldnt be...but it is. Why? Because we did not have one lesson on Sunday! Everyone was watching the game.. there was nothing we could do! I even had a member tell me not to go to his house on Sunday...haha. Thats alright though. I heard it was an interesting game. Tons of fights!! Two players and a coach were kicked off the field... a fan threw a bomb at an inter coach and he had to go to the hospital...Ya know.. normal stuff at a rival game:)

Now its P-Day! Im here at the landhouse using a different computer than normal. The space button doesnt work too well. ifidontpushitthreetimesreallyhard,mywholeemailwouldlooklikethis!! haha.        Transfer day is on Tuesday and im 99.9% sure my companion will go. This week we will focus on preparing the area for the next transfer with a clean plan, a clean house, and a lot of people to teach and baptise:)

Thanks for all your help and support,
Merry Christmas!
Elder Horst

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