(noun) someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for ETERNITY

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Its gone by so fast!!! I remember the last new year like it was yesterday. Now it will come again. What goals have you been making? What parties are you going to? Today, I will pass by a members  house but unfortunately wont stay up til midnight. Although, I think I will wake up for all the fireworks! Starting tomorrow, I will be able to say that I only have one more year on the mission haha. How cool is that? 

Okay, well last week was sure alot of fun. Obviously, the highlight of the week was being able to talk to my family. It was so nice to be able to converse with them and see their faces! I had to wait 8 months to see them! Luckily, mothers day is only 5 more months away. I am excited to call them again! Christmas was alot of fun. On Christmas Eve, we went to the Family Cruz. A family with over 150 member of the church... all because of one set of missionaries:) It was really fun and there was tonsss of food! yum yum. Than on Christmas we ate lunch with some members. It was great and I felt lots of peace and love. Than after lunch we went to a members house to skype our parents. It was a really great and peaceful conversation.

This week we almost had a baptism but a few things came up and we had to reschedule. Dont worry, it wasnt a big deal. We have two baptisms scheduled to happen before the end of the transfer and we are working really hard to get it done. I have a feeling that I will be transferred on the 22 of January so we have been working really hard to have some more success before I leave.

Ive been practicing the guitar and its been lots of fun. I think that by the end of my mission ill be pretty good at playing it. On Sunday we received new manuals for Priesthood. Teachings of Lorenzo Snow. Im really excited to study and read about this prophet and the experiences that he had. This is the first time I will be studying the Teachings of the Prophets.

Today we took a trip to central de Porto Alegre. I love coming here because its always so busy with people, sounds, and smells. I guess I have my mothers blood. She always loves visiting the big city. I am really excited for tonight because we will have chorrasco...

Yesterday, my companion and I visited V, our recent convert. We sat down and talked for a while when she told us, ``I have to repent, what do I need to do?`` haha. It was a really funny comment. She had been sick all week and decided to drink coffee to help her throat. We had a good message about true repentance and it was really nice. That night, I thought alot about our conversation. I really am grateful for our opportunity to be able to repent. Without repentance, we would be lost in this world and we wouldnt have a chance to return with our father in heaven. Its just good to know that he has a plan for us and is always watching us, ready to help.

``Work will cure most of your problems`` - Ezra Taft Benson

Love you all, Happy New Years

Elder Horst

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